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Read what the BBC are saying about our Design Code

BBC News Feature - See Here!

The BBC have spotlighted Spelthorne Borough Council’s commitment to prepare a Design Code for the whole Borough.

Referring to the Design Code as a “planning bible”, the BBC highlights the aims of the early research stage involving the public and how residents can get involved and have their say in both in-person and virtual Walking Tours.

See the BBC’s article here: here

 You can also find out more about the Design Code here, sign up for a Walking Tour or Digital Walk here and submit a question for our Design Code FAQ here.

Posted on 28th June 2024

by Design Code Team

Update On Walking Tours & FAQ!

Update On Walking Tours - Sign Ups Still Open!

As part of Spelthorne Borough Council’s commitment to prepare a Design Code for the whole Borough, Walking Tours have already started taking place and will be running during June and July.

We are opening the floor for residents to have their say in helping us write a code for their Borough. 

Last week, the project team toured local people around the wider area of Staines to find out their opinions about streets, buildings, architecture, design and spaces. 

Subsequent tours will take place virtually in the form of a Digital Walk, as well as in-person across the Borough in Ashford, Shepperton, Staines Town Centre, Stanwell and Sunbury.

The next tour is a Digital Walk on Tuesday 2nd July from 19:30- 21:00 and you can sign up here for it.

If you'd like to see the timetable for upcoming virtual and in-person tours in your area  Click here!

Ask A Question For Our FAQ Now!

Spelthorne Borough Council is now creating a Design Code FAQ page and the project team have opened a submission box which is now live.  

We’d love to hear from you and we welcome any questions e.g. about the Design Code, our in-person Walking Tours, Digital Walks and other events. 

We will then make sure to address all your questions in the FAQ page. 

We only ask that you don’t share any personal information in your queries! You can also subscribe with your email address on our Home page to keep you updated on the Design Code, including when the FAQ is live.

Our FAQ submission box is now open. Follow the link to ask us a question!

Posted on 25th June 2024

by Design Code Team

Walking Tours Start Tomorrow - Sign up Now!

Spelthorne Borough Council has recently committed to prepare a Design Code for the whole Borough, and it wants residents - the people that know and love the area best - to help write this code.  We want to put local people at the heart of the process and over the next few months, the project team will be meeting with communities across the area to find out what they think of Spelthorne today and what it could be like in future.

Our series of walking tours will begin tomorrow in Stanwell, with more events across Spelthorne in the coming weeks. Follow the link for more information and to sign up!  https://designspelthorne.commonplace.is/en-GB/proposals/how-to-get-involved/step1

Posted on 19th June 2024

by Design Code Team