Spelthorne Design Code logo


  • Stage 1 - Listen

    Summer 2024




    In Progress

    Through a series of local events across the borough, we will learn about Spelthorne, what makes it special and valued, and what could be improved through well-designed development.
  • Stage 2 - Translate

    Autumn 2024





    Through a series of workshop events, we will develop a vision for the design of different types of future development across the borough, and then develop design rules to help achieve that vision.
  • Stage 3 - Test

    Winter 2024/5





    We will extensively test the vision and design codes developed as part of Stage 2 with the community, stakeholders and an independent peer review.
  • Final Code

    Early 2025





    Once revised and tested, the final code will be adopted by the council as part of its planning policy, requiring all new development to comply with it.